Rust Essenitals Wiki

Troubleshooting articles for the motd.ini file and any in game issues with the Message of the Day function.

My messages are stacking and cluttering up the screen[]

This is probably due to the time intervals that are set, i.e if you have one message to cycle every 10 minutes and another every 20 minutes, as 20 is a multiple of 10 they will cycle at the same time. change your cycle intervals to be odd number, i.e. [Cycle.9m] and [Cycle.21m].

- Credit goes to 3lindNinja for pointing this one out

My message is clipping off the screen!?[]

The message is too long, shorten it or span it across 2 lines in the cycle

I need to update a message or the rules on the fly, how do I do that?[]

You can update your message and then reload the motd.ini file in game by typing "/reload motd" (make sure you have the /reload command under your rank in commands.ini).

My players don't have permissions to the Rules command[]

Make sure that /rules is added under the appropriate rank in commands.ini
